How to Master the Art of Selling

Tom Hopkins classic on selling never goes out of fashion. I was surprised by how timeless this book truly is.

“How to Master the Art of Selling” is written in an engaging voice that made me feel like I’m in a conversation, but unlike modern literature, it was with a conviction and clarity that is all-encompassing. Tom Hopkins has become an industry standard by providing valuable insights and actionable strategies to enhance sales skills and salesmanship. His book covers fundamental principles like finding clients, building rapport with your customers, identifying customer needs, handling objections and rejections, and effectively communicating with both buyers and sellers. Hopkins emphasizes the importance of building relationships, optimism, and using ethical sales practices. The book also focuses on improving sales presentation skills and setting achievable sales goals. Overall, “How to Master the Art of Selling” offers a comprehensive guide to sales success, combining practical techniques with a positive mindset and ethical approach. To my astonishment, I read the edition published in 1980, I found this book packed with commonplace selling techniques tried and trusted to this day. It goes to show how far ahead Hopkins was of his time.

If you enjoy old-fashioned, vintage nostalgia that is still applicable and true today, then this book is for you. If you don’t want to invest more than an hour into something half-a-century old, then watch this classic recording instead: